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Boards & Commissions

Last Updated on January 10, 2024 by

Plan Commission

Recent Plan Commission Meetings

The Shelbyville Plan Commission is an Advisory Plan Commission formed under the authority of IC 36-7-4-200 . The roles of the Shelbyville Plan Commission is to maintain the City’s planning documents, regulate development and promote and encourage a well-planned community. The Commission is made of ten appointed members, five appointments by the Mayor, one appointment from the Shelbyville Park Board, one appointment from the Shelbyville Common Council, one appointment by the Shelbyville Board of Public Works and Safety, and the City Engineer

Members of the Shelbyville Plan Commission Include:

  1. Mike Evans – President – Appointed by the Mayor
  2. Doug Cassidy – Vice President – Appointed by the Shelbyville Board of Public Works and Safety
  3. Joe Lux – Appointed by the Mayor
  4. James Garrett III – Appointed by the Mayor
  5. Wade Lewis – Appointed by the Mayor
  6. Dennis Harrold – Appointed by the Shelbyville Common Council
  7. John Kuntz – City Engineer
  8. Gary Nolley – Appointed by the Shelbyville Parks Board
  9. Scarlett Tinsley-Price – Appointed by the Mayor
  10. Winnie Soviar – Appointed by County Commissioners
  11. Jeremy Ruble – Appointed by County Commissioners
  12.  Perry Richards – Alternate Member – Appointed by the Mayor

Plan Commission Rules and Procedures


Meeting Agendas and Materials

Board Of Zoning Appeals

Recent Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings

The Board of Zoning Appeals is a local body whose responsibilities are to hear (1) petitions for development standards variances, (2) petitions for use variances, (3) petitions for special exception uses, and (4) appeals of decisions, orders, and interpretations of the zoning administrator. This board meets the second Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 pm.

Members of the Shelbyville Board of Zoning Appeals Include:

  1. Chris Clark – Appointed by the Mayor
  2. Nicole Terrell – Appointed by the Mayor
  3. Doug Cassidy – Appointed by the Mayor, From the Membership of the Plan Commission
  4. Wade Lewis – Appointed by the Shelbyville Plan Commission, From Their Membership
  5. Vince Bradburn – Alternate – Appointed by the Mayor

Board of Zoning Appeals Rules and Procedures


Meeting Agendas and Materials

Technical Review Committee

The Technical Review Committee reviews plans for: Site Development, Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, and Road and Sewer projects. For PLan Commission petitions, the Technical Review Committee provides technical guidance that assists all of the Plan Commission members make more accurate decisions.

The Technical Review Committee is comprised of representatives from a majority of City departments and all local utility companies.

The City Departments represented on the committee are:

– Planning Staff: Allan Henderson & Adam Rude

– City Engineer: John Kuntz, PE

– Street Commissioner: Shane Peters

– MS4 Director: Derrick Byers

– Fire Inspector: Darrin Moore

– Police: Bill Dwenger

– Wastewater Plant Supervisor: Kevin Kredit

The utility companies represented on the committee are:

Water – Indiana American Water Company

Natural Gas – Vectren

Electric – Duke Energy

Electric – Rush Shelby Energy

Telecommunications – Comcast

Telecommunications – AT&T

Telecommunications – Level 3 Engineering (Fiber Optics)

Building Commission

The Shelbyville Building Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am in the Council Chambers upstairs at City Hall.

The Building Commission consists of seven voting members and two non voting members. The Mayor shall appoint the seven voting members, each to serve a term of four years. The Building Commissioner and a representative shall serve as the nonvoting members of the Commission. The appointed members of the Commission must include the following:

1. One building contractor who is registered with the Building Department.

2. One electrical contractor who is the holder of a Class I license.

3. One plumbing contractor who is licensed with the Building Department.

4. One HVAC contractor who is registered with the Building Department.

5. One member shall be a designer of buildings.

6. One member shall be a citizen representative of the city.

7. One member shall be a representative of a local utility company.

Each appointed member of the Commission must have a recognized interest, knowledge, and experience in the field of fire prevention, fire protection, building safety, or other related matters. No two members of the Commission shall be appointed from the same firm. Of the seven members originally appointed, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, two shall be appointed for a term of two years, two for a term of three years, and two for a term of four years, or until a successor is appointed. The members of the Commission serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
Powers and Duties: It shall be the duty of the Building Commission to:
Act as the appellate board as described in Ordinance 152.16
Issue building contractor registrations as described in Chapter 152, plumbing registrations as described in Chapter 154, and electrical licenses as described in Chapter 155.

Act as the Hearing Authority for Minimum Housing Requirements in Chapter 153, and Unsafe Buildings in Chapter 158.

Approve the annual budget for the Building Department.

Make recommendations to the City Council for changes in fees and ordinances.

Establish department policies and procedures for inspections, permits, licenses and registrations.

Members: Jim Marshall – Chairman, Gary Keppel – Vice Chairman, Matt Wortman – HVAC Contractor, David Rush – Electrical Contractor, Joe Runnebohm – Plumbing Contractor, Tony Nicholson – Designer of Buildings, Danny Sebastian – Utility Rep., Bryant Niehoff – Building Commissioner, Chris Hext – Building Inspector, Rod Miller – Building Inspector.

Plat Committee

The Shelbyville Plat Committee is a committee of the Shelbyville Plan Commission, an Advisory Plan Commission formed under the authority of IC 36-7-4-200. The role of the Shelbyville Plat Committee is to review, hear, and vote on Minor Subdivision petitions. The Commission is made of three appointed members, all three members appointed by the Shelbyville Plan Commission, one appointee also being a member of the Plan Commission. The Plat Committee meets on an as-needed basis, when applications are submitted for review.

Members of the Shelbyville Plat Committee Include:

  1. Adam Rude – Planning Director – Chairperson
  2. John Kuntz – City Engineer
  3. Derrick Byers – MS4 Director

Previous Meeting Minutes


Plan Commission

Approved Minutes for the Plan Commission from the current Calendar Year

[mdocs cat=”Plan Commission 2019″]


Archived Plan Commission Minutes

Board of Zoning Appeals

Approved Minutes for the Board of Zoning Appeals from the current Calendar Year

[mdocs cat=”BZA 2019″]


Archived BZA Minutes

Technical Review Committee

Approved Minutes for the Technical Review Committee from the current Calendar Year

[mdocs cat=”Tech Review 2018″]


Archived Technical Review Committee Minutes

Building Commission

Approved Minutes for the Building Commission from the current Calendar Year

[mdocs cat=”Building Commission 2019″]


Archived Building Commission Minutes