Photo Credit for Images on Homepage: RATIO Architects & H2O Design

Planning & Building

Last Updated on January 29, 2024 by Adam Rude

The Planning and Building Department is dedicated to the effective administration of the City of Shelbyville’s numerous development programs, initiatives, and policies that guide responsible growth and redevelopment within the City. The department houses the technical and professional staff for the City’s Plan Commission, Building Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Architectural Control Committees. Our offices manage permitting, contractor registrations, building inspections, code enforcement, planning, and zoning. 

Citizenserve Portal

We are happy to announce that most of our department’s services are migrating to an online platform provided by Citizenserve. This new platform will allow 24/7 access to our department’s services, a more efficient delivery of those services, as well as easier access to public records maintained by our department. The main aspects of the department that will be migrated to the new platform include: Code Enforcement, Permits, Contractor Registrations, Landlord Registrations, and Plan Commission/BZA Submissions. As always, you will be able to visit or call our offices to conduct business, as you do now, but this new platform will provide another, more convenient way to work with our office. All department services are not currently available of this platform, but over time more services will be added to the platform.

Recent Department News

Annual Reports

Below are links to download the Planning and Building Department’s Annual Reports. These reports briefly summarizes what cases each board heard, information regarding recent development trends, and summaries of the day-to-day activities of the department in a given year.